Mount and blade warband world map
Mount and blade warband world map

If your Athletics skill is 4 and your Riding skill is 3, you will go faster on foot than on a horse in the map. Increase your Athletics or Riding skills You can go faster in a horse with a high Riding skill, or faster on foot with a high Athletics skill. You can put horses on your inventory and the effect will be reducted, but don't put too many horses or can end up going even slower than before. Don't have many goods in your inventory Carrying lots of goodies will make you go slower. Disband some units Sometimes you may have some units you don't actually need (like bandits), you can put 'em on a garrison or disband them, and you may gain some speed.

mount and blade warband world map mount and blade warband world map

Make sure your army has high morale, get food or win some battles to grow it up.

Mount and blade warband world map